Saturday night – Bend

Last night Diane,. Gabe , Me , Nova , Sean, Mel and their dog Pep all piled into gabe’s car.. and we drove 3 and a half hours to Bend. We have an airBNB there (with a hot tub !).. . We came down to hie Smith Rock and to see friends. Both of which we did today 

Smith  Rock is about 30 minutes north of here. Its a very cool volcanic feature that springs up out of the high desert around it. .. We did a 4.6 mile hike up and around smith rock. Its a beautiful place.. it’s also (supposedly) the place where the sport of rock climbing really took off. 

here are some pics from the day

One cool featre there was called “Monkey Rock”.. its an impressive peiece of rock. You can really see the monkey part from the side. 

All through the hike we saw rock climbers.. so cool to watch.. so spooky to think about doing it.. even thinking about thinking about it freaks my freak !

We finished our hike and drove back to Bend. We dd a little hot tub soaking. then went out for a fun browsing dinner.. FIrst we went to a dumpling place called ‘The Dump”.. then down the street to Parillas.. for the BEST EVER fish burrito !

After that we went to the Crux brewery where we met up with vermont friends Will and Paulo , Tara, Rebekkah and Connor.. Will brought his huge dog otto  too ..  

So great seeing all these friends in their home base !

Super fun way to end our visit with Gabe !

NIte all, nite sam


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