It was a super chill day. .> We began wiht an emergency shopping run for cranberries, etc. (the shops were absolutely crazy busy) . and a search for a turkey roasting pan with a rack. 2 places we tried were sold out.. At last we found one

THen back to teh airbnb. DIane headed over to work with Becky on gettign ready for thanksgiving. I got some work done .. I;m enjoying using ChatGPT to help me write programs ot wrangle large data sets. It’s given me suer powers to create new tpyes of data abnalysuis that would have taken me forever to code by hand
LAter on. I started thining more about ChatGPT and other large-language modells (LLMs). I decided to apply it to a project I;d long wanted to do. . I’ve been keepign this blog for 18 years.. and despite sometimes gettign behind, i’ve always kept it current.. I can account for all but 3 days (!) of blogging in 18 years.. thats kinda cool.. no ?
anyway.. i’ve always wanted to explore wahat it would take to print my blog just for a family keepsake.. I’ve tried several wordpress plugins.. and book services.. but 18 years of blogging made the thign to large..
So this afternoon. I sat down tieh ChatGPT and together we wrote a powerful program for converting my blog and all of its dyslexic ramblings and pictures into printable PDFs’ .. It soudns easy.. but trust me it wanst..
By the end of the day my AI pal and I had written a python program that crawled my entie blog using the wordpress API.. and formatted into a series 205 monthly PDFs. THe program then compiles those into 18 yearly PDFS. and finally a complete version of my blog.. pictures iand all (though some of the linked pictures have disappeared over the years 🙁 ).
I ran tthe proigram over night..
Want to guess how big that is ? .. its over 41,000 pages (!!!) mostly pictures.. and about 1.6 GB of data.
I/we also wrote a mode that only kept the text of the blog. My goal is to feed that into an LLM like chatgpt.. to hopefully give me soem insight into my own blog stay tuned on that !
Back to the day.. Later in the afternoon. I broke from work and Becky. diane Viloet and I went on a great walk in the Frank Otriz dog park. Violet loves runnignthrough the catus and palyeing wit the bazillion other dogs doign the same thing. I’m always touched here how mcuh people love their dogs. I we loved ours !).. there place has truibutes liek this all over.

Diane came hoime with a really amazing macrmae stand he’d made for becky. Shes sellign soem of her beutiful macreame plant holders ant a holday fair coming up .. The artistry on both the macrame and the stand were incredible. THese pics dont do them justice

TOnight we all cooked together and hung out. >> Shrimp scampi on garbanzo noodles.. and great conversation abotu life, love and making stuff

Its great seeing our kids living and enjoying their lives ! I lvove this family so much !
nite all ,. nite sam