Today was christmas eve so it was feeling very much like a holiday.
Our freinds Carol and Kim and Dianes other Bootcamp buddies came buy on a run and dropped off butt sleds for us to use tomorrow. THey were dressed for the day.. but not sure if they were dressed for the weather.. I think it was below zero (F) this morning !
Diane and I got out for a quick ski in the fields and rivershore trail
Our friend Tom came over. Tom is one of Gabe’s oldest and best friends. It was great catching up with him. He’s become a Cooper… He makes wooden barrels, especially for saunas and wood fired hot tubs.… He’s such a great guy.
Late afternoon jen, time. nate, hannah, , daryl, avery, martha, andd later deb and ian showed up. We had cheese and oil fondue.. super tasty adn fun to eat !
We even had a meter for the spiceness level of all the sauces.. as soem of these folks have kinda mild spice preferences.. (never could understand that !)
Tasty way to get the holiday started ~
nite all, nite sam