It wouldn’t be the chanukah holidays without latkes.
Another flashback moment this morning. I took Gabe up to to Bolton to ride the mountain with friends. just like we did hundreds of times when he was a kid
today was our latke party.. we were thinking we would get about 25 folks. I think we got closer to 35.
it was super fun..a nd the whole house smelt like yummy fried stuff.. This year we also tried a recipe that gabe had found. Pickle latkes..( it’s a real thing.. look it up !). we started cooking early so we could feed people as they came in
about 5 pm people started showing up. .. and started eating !
Mid way we gathered folks around to light the candles.. we had a few folks there who knew the prayer and sang with me.
there was lots of playing with baby James
Kasey liked my spooky glasses
user nice getting to talk to everyone .. like these two
Happy Hannukah everyone !
may your hues smell like Al’s French Fries forever and ever Ah-men
nite all, nite sam