Sunday night – where’s my bridge ?

We decided to hike the catamoutn trail from bolton notch road to pineo brrook just for fun this morning.. trouble was.. the huge concrete  and steel bridge that used to be there had totally  washed away.. prbably in the jyl floods.. It was pretty maazing.. al that was left were soem huge chunks of concrete and a bunch of twisted and torn steel girders !

we tried to find a way to cross pieo brook but it was too wide and fast to cross safely.. the ice wasnt deep enough to walk on.. we walked up the other way on the catamount trail past a ssmall dam, then crossed the notch road and bushwacked up to one of the freind of boltons beutiful back country trails.. and follwed that back down to the shiugar house.. it was a beutiful hiek on a beutiu l day.. with my beutiful girl !


later that afternoon my friend Kasey came over and we mad big progress on the vacuum tube tesla coil where building. we’re almost ready to turn it on !

Nice weekend !

nite all, nite sam

Saturday night – Fluffyville

Worked aroudn the houuse thie mornign.. then took a walk wiht the kennys… up to see the new dam. with the new dam,  Gillette pond  is back to its original size.. it looks so great. COngrates tot eh land trust for makign this really happen.. an (and keeping the whole pond from crashing down to our part of town.

A bit later Nate came over to grab soem of the furniture they’d been storing here. Nate and hannah are moving back to richmond.. super nice to have them nearby

Tonight we had a Fluffy team meeting .. the first since burnign man ! ..

I preped by puttign up colorful changing lights inside and out

It was great having everyone had been too long !  Duane got a knew replacement yesterday.. and he was up and helpign today.. pretty amazing !

diane made one of her basque cheescakes.. it was so great !

after dinner we all sat do to talk   about what we learned on this third trip to the playa.. , what worked, what didn’t.. and what we want to do going forward .. Carol zoomed in from florida

All in all it went great. We are going to make minimal changes this year.. and do our best to get out in public more. .. Our next gig is at Hilight on new years eve at the waterfront. THe funny thing is.. where we’re parked now has a door high enough for us.. but only wide enough for oe side of clouds.. Not a terrible thing since no one gets to see the other side anyway.. 

we did a shout out to our friend  Madison Orange.. a DJ hooper, firedancer friend of Duanes  (and now us) who did an excellent set on fluffy out on the playa this year.. 

Glad to all be back together thinkign abut fluffy !
nite all, nite sam

Friday night – thirteenth shmirteenth

Today is friday the 13th.. supposed to be unlucky, but it wasnt bad at all. We started with a fast hike up to the duxbury window. It was pretty deep snow with ice underneat.h .. clad we had our spikes.. 

It was a beutiful day for selfies.. 

and for samstones

Super cool ice crystals too !

its almost weekend !
nite all, nite sam

Thursday night – Dental health and mental health

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in a long time. Believe it or not it was really fun. My teeth are fine.. and I got to talk to soem old freinds who work at the dentist..


All the folks there were so great.. As my teeth we’re  getting their once over, me and the super nice dental tech  talked about old cartoons, old music.. old people.. for soem reason it put me in the best mood.. 

I think my world would be better if I went to the dentist more..

nite all, nite sam
