Tuesday night – Yoga and Rory

Pretty queit day. Bran and Britt came by with Brans parents.. We know them from Brtit and Brans wedding a year ago.. We got to take a walk with them and baby Rory

After work we had yoga soup night.. always a treat. .Diane did her second version of the basque cheese cake.. Even better than the first.. and thats amazing !

Thats  about it for the day 

nite all, nite sam


monday night – Working with son’s

ball court with his son Bronny .. I saw this quote from him 

I can really relate.. I’m so happy that I can collaborate with our sons.. Both are crgreat hands on makers and thinkers.  

Max and I collaborate on all sorts of stuff for lighting.., costumes etc.  our Fluffy projecta would not have been 1/10th as beautiful had it not been for Max’s knowledge of lighting.. 

And wiht gabe, I’ve learned the first bits of stone crafting and other rock crafts. I also learn so mcuh from him abotu general sceince.s 

I love that I’m now learning from  and collaborating with my kids.. 

Sam was also a crazy maker. I rememebr him and I makign a device for letting him strum the guitar when hois arm was ina. acast.. I’ll look for that picture. 

I’m a lucky dad.. 

noite all, nite sam
