Friday night – around RTP

We had n easy day around RTP today.. I dropped DIane off at Pat’s sister Cathys .. . whihc had a great sound of cicadas 


I made a quick visit to BETA RTP whch was great.. I’d never been there and got to meet some of the great folks there !


Then I dropped in on Building 500 of IBM.. I used to come here very often for IBM work. I found my freind Joe and walked aroudn the buildings. Very quiet on a Friday.. but it felt good to be back. lso ran in to my freind Raj

I met up with diane, joe and pat for a great lunch at a local brewery..    After that we headed to a culteral fair back near Apex .. then a nice sushi dinner with my girl.. only a short walk from our airbnb.. than a walk around town..

Apex is a really sweet place !

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – Apex

Beleive it or not.. we’re on the road again.. This afternoon we headed sdown to Apex NC to attend the 1st burthday of our grand nephew Daxton. Daton is the son of our nephew vicotr and his wife pina.. who are now expecting identical twins !  Lots of victor, patty , and pinas families are coming in, so we decided to as well !

We are also in time to hear the cicadas that are bursting out in numbers highr than they’ve been since thomas jefferson was the president !! Its a sound of my youth.. annoying and nistalgic at the same time 

Glad we’re seeign so much family !

niet all. nite sam


Tuesday night – Rebar and gizzo’s birthday

tonight was special. Shosh, krisitne and shannon had planned out a surprise birthday party for rebar..   .. he was totally surprised when he came ho,e to find their  house full of freinds !

it turns out that it was also Gizzo’s birthday !!!

Then out came the cake /. and of course ice cream.. (never a party without ice cream when ben’s around 🙂 

Great party for two great people !

nite all, nite sam
