Thursday night – Craftsbury

This morning I had a real treat. I got to meet Madeline.. the brand new person made by my friends Nat and Jerry..   Welcome Madeline !

After work, Diane. and I packed up our skis and headed up to Craftsbury  Common in Northeastern Vermont. My cousins Jon, and Jean, their son Evan and Jon’s brothers David and bill were staying up at the Craftsbury Common Ski area for about 4 days.
each year all this family gets together soemwhere in the qwinter to cross country ski.. and we’re loucky to have them this year in Vermont. Jon’s got a several week visiting position at UVM.. so this was a natural place to meet. Super galad thatw e could see them !
Jon is a very accomplished ski skater.. and does the equivalent of Marathons on these super thin skis. Every year he does the Berkie a 30ish mileish skate ski between two towns out in  in Wisconsin.. He comes in near the top of his age category. Jon’s son Evan was also one of the top rated ski racers in WIisconsin when he was in high school. 

we had a great night.. we ate dinner in the cafeteria.. great simple food.. !
then we came back tot he house and hung out. I called my mom because I knew she’d get a kick out of all being togheter.. We pu t my ipad on a lazy susan on the table and all got to talk to her 🙂 

The night sky up here was so beautiful.. clear and cold. Orion was right overhead..   several planets are visible this month . ..
not sure you can see it in the picutres.  but trust me .. it was gorgeous. 

gerat beign up here in the woods with extended family !

nite all. nite sam


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