Friday night – red bellied

THis morning we had a beautiful guest at our bird feeder. A red bellied woodpecker. Check out his coloring !


DIane and I took a quick hike up to the duxbury window. THe snow is still very deep.. but the trail is packed ddown enough that we didnt need snowshoes, only spikes.. 

This evening we all went to Debs for dinner.. It’s our favorite resturant.. ! .. SHe has really deep snow up there. she has more than 4 feet on her balcony..   It was fun to get together.. ti was sort of a late burthday party.. so Diane brought an apple cake. !

Love these folks !

nite all, nite sam

Thursday night – Car failure

Diane gabe me a ride to work today.. I called our insurance and had them come pick up our Rav4 for a tow. Turns out it has a serious electrical problem related to corrosion on these cars (google #cablegate rav4).
The towing guy was from Honduras from near La Ceiba where my dad lived as a kid

Had a great day at work .. working on something really fun and interesting.. Cant share that

.. but at one point in the day, my freind and colleague Alia was paining a component for a medl her team is building, From where I was standing.. it looked like she was feedoign a baby orca.. What do you think  ?

Nite all. nite sam

Wednesday night – Ayla

Max and Becky are heading home today.. it’s been so great having them here. This morning, Max’s good friend Josh, his wife Jess and their baby Ayla came over for breakfast. It was so great seeing all of them and meeting Ayla !

Josh is a good freind of ours.. we met him during the filming of the voices project.. Now he  and jess live in monkton with a flock of geese and checkins, goats, dogs and cats.. they have an amazing little farm. Josh is the light guy for Trombone SHorty and got to be at the superbowl this year when trombone shrty played the national anthem (or was it another song ?) 

Before taking max and becky to the airport, max and I took one more shot at the pinatas with the potato guns.. Soooo satisfying !

I dropped Max and Becky at the airport.. Its been a great visit!

On the way to the airport, this popped up on the screen of the car.  Max told me it had happeend to them whonce while in montreal.

I didnt think much of it. at the time.. but .. .. (queue the spooky music.. this isnt a good sign)”

when I left work to head home, the car wouldn’t start.. Diane had to coem and pick me up 

nite all, nite sam

Tuesday night – indian

THe snow is still super deep.. getting a little crusty near the road. the rail in our garden  in this pic is 3 feet high 

We got out for a short ski.. whcihis always nice

Max and becky got back around 7 PM. I picked up Indian food from our fav place Aromas in Tafts Corners.. it was a great feast.. Max and Becky head home tomorrow.. .. this was a nice way to celebrate before they head home. 


Its been so nice having them here !

nite all, nite sam