Good day at work. Making some fun progress on an important project.
During a call today in one of the phone booths I came across this mathematical limerick. .. cute !
fter work there was a fluffy conclave and potluck at Rebars.Definitely consensus that we are not ready to stop fluffing ! We’re tryign to figure out how many events we’ want to do or fluffy this year.. and how we’ll get enough money to pay for her maintenance and transport..
FIrst night back.. It was raining a bit which was causing the snow to melt.. The rivers were rising. The feild across from us was already filling with water when I headed to work.
After work went up to Mike’s house to work a bit on the EEL. Then we went out for dinner at Waterworks. It was really nice catching up.
The winooski was running super high right outside the resturant. Here’s the view from our table
Nice to be home.. though missing diane nite all, nite sam -me
Got up and out of the house around 8. It had been such a great trip. DIane is staying one more week to take care of Nova.. and help ut Gabe with some house stuff as he write his thessis.. He’s gettign close ! Super proud of him .
.. Gabe drove me to the airport.. and I worked my way back across the country uneventfully
In Chicago I ran into my good friends Zach and Max from Hackclub. they were just coming back from a hackathon in .. Toronto (I think ?) . We had a great time catching up about their hackathon and the PCB workshop diane and I had just run in san diego. Those guys are soooo inspiring with all they do in the ‘you ship, we ship’ programs in hackclub . We flew back toe BTV on the same plane
caught a nice sunset through the plane window as we left chicago
Zach and max were kind enough to drive me back tot h e house since I didnt have a car.. it gave us more time to talk which was fantastic !
It rained all day today in Portland.. which is normal for this time of year. .. People here just ignore the rain so we did too. ISpeaking of rain.. here are some nterestign factoids we looked up while in San diego.. WHile San diego gets only 15 inches of rain a year, Portland gets 35 inches of rain. while burlington vt gets 42 inches per year.. Houston (where i’m from) is the rainiest city in all of the US with 50 inches a year !)
Anyway.. we took a nice dog run tot he park… and the hardware store in the drizzle.. and it felt great ! We loved seeing the flowers !
also fun to soak up portland culture from bumper stickers
Tonight we went out to Mirasata, a vegan sri lankan place up the street from Gabe.. might be my favorite resturant in portland. Parmis joined us too which was fun.. shes super nice
THen we headed to Movie madness to get a movie.. I love that place.. they claim to be the biggest surviving video store in the us.. they have a great collection of movie memorabilia too.. like this dress that michelle yeoh wore in the best movie ever: everything, everywhere all at once !
we settled on the movie ‘Contact’ with jodie foster.. such a great movie. Its based on the book by Carl Sagan.. My brother has a theory that sagan wrote the story after being taken across space to meet another species.. and thats how he contracted the rare cancer that eventually killed him.
I had some more nova time which I needed before going tomorrow.
Also got another mini concert !
Heading home tomorrow Its been a really great visit.. !