Another greta day in portland. I spent much of it doing small projects around Gabes hose… Anything that can lighten his load as he finishes up hi these.
Jobs included repairing a bairly reparabe silverware drawer, replacing all the light bulbs in teh kitchen, living room, ceiling fans and installing a new dimmer, adding a new toilet paper roll

Its nice to feel useful
We had a great dinner at Norah.. a vegan thai place in the next block from gabe (there are at least 4 thai restaurants in just a few blocks from gabe).. Gabe ran into two peple from his graduate program t dinner.. you know he’s grown roots here ..
after. dinner we came hpew to this image on the camera we have on our house. Check out that moon .lThe boys each have a screen that shows thenm the house 24 hours a day so they dont get homesick 🙂

More tomorrow,
nite all, nite sam