I make it a point of never discussing work in these pages.. and won’t start now.. but I gotta say today had some of the most unusual and interesting meetings I’ve ever attended.
Since, that’s all I did today.. and I can’t go into it.. I’ll cop out and post two cool videos that my new friend Feargahl (is that a cool name, or what) just sent me . I met Feargahl through also-new-fried Whist , the guy who’s teaching the fire sports class with Homer at Middleberry. He’d put me in touch with Feargahl on the outside chance that he had a Tesla Coil to lend me for my talk San Fransisco on Feb 9th.
Turns out that the coil Feargahl has is 12 feet tall , shoots 8 foot sparks and requires a large gas generator.. Unfortunately , it’s hard to move.. so I won’t be borrowing it. But after we spoke. he sent me two cool vids of pieces that he and his buddies at ‘Omega Recoil’ studio has done. The first is their entry in the annual Sausulito lighted boat parade. .. This boat had a Burning Man flame sculpture in the front, a ton of fireworks,a Jet engine on the roof,several propane flame cannons (like we’re building) a klaxon from an aircraft carrier, and the Tesla coil I was just talking about hanging over the side and sparking to the water. …Needless to say, they won the contest..
The second vid was a piece on BoingBoing about their ‘Dr Megavolt’ show.. Same Tesla Coil, metal suits and weird dialog.. Check them out !.
I’m going to meet up with these guys the next.. (or uber-next) time I’m in SF..
Right now I’m going to take Scott and Mary to dinner.. So I better go..
Someday I’ll tell you all about my day
Night folks, Night Sam