Thursday night – invisible friends

In the past two days I’ve had five (!) occurrences of the  weird 21st century social phenomenon of ‘invisible friends’,. That is .. ive been sitting in a room talking with folks only to realize that we are old friends.. we’ve just never seen one another in person. So many of my good friendships have been formed over work calls, social networking or even emailing.. All three of these folks were people I know ‘well’ by all other accounts.. We talk often, know each others histories, goals, work and personal stories.. ..

I guess there have always been ‘penpals’.. but something about the immediacy and informality of todays electronic communications makes these relationships seem more current and vibrant than they would have in the snail mail genertion..

Most of the time when I’v ehad that aha moment its a pleasant surprise.. like ‘Oh… your..XYZ’.. but sometimes its embarrassing… like.. I should have known that was you.. but then again.. it never works to imagine what soemone looks like basede on their voice.. or (at best) their tiny phoen book picture..

Anyway.. alls, well.. I’ve now rounded out 5 relationsships with faces.. .. even heads and bodies.. how cool is that !?


nite all, nite sam



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