First thing this morning I called our friend Shannon to see if they were around for a visit.. They were.. though the catch was their toddler Zoe was heading to daycare at 8:30.. so I zoomed over there.. It was fun seeing everybody. Last time I saw Zoe, she was a tiny baby.. now she’s a really cute toddler.. It was great catching up with Shannon and Aaron.. and of coarse.. Frank.. who’s bigger than I am
Aaron showed me a great book they’d found that every high tech parent in the valley seems to have.. Computer engineering for babies.. and It had really functions circuits ! Gotta get this !
I spent most of the rest of the day hanging out with Rafe.. He had some more talks with his doctors today and I wanted to hang out till after that.. It was pretty ok news.. and It was fgood to be able to talk afterwards.
Rafe is such an amazing guy.. I love hanging out with him and his family
Nite all, nite sam