Not much to report today. Freind Gizzo came over today to get my Sat texter and some samstones in prep for his trip to burning man.. I’ve got soem serious FOMO about not going.. but I’m looking forward tot he trip we’re doign to Spain and France so much… i’m sure I’ll get over it 🙂
One fun thing that happened today is that I went over to the ECHO museum warehouse to check out a bike generator that we hope to use in the Green Mountain Field Days next month. Wile there I was able to hang out with my good freind Elliott. Always so good to spend time wihth him..
Ellitt showed me the fish holdign taks that are in the warehouse. The ECHO center is undergoign a big expansion, which means that all the fish need a temporary home. Here are some of the transient fishes. THe big ones are coming over the next couple of weeks.
Not much else to report..
nite all, nite sam