Saturday night – Sheepshoot loop

There’s somewhere between. fotr and a foot and a half of snow out in the woods.. We took advantage of the fluff by doign our first  snowshoe of the season.. We hiked up bamforth ridge trail, then forked off to bushwack up  Gleason brook up into the woods. .. We like takign this loop up that way, then crossing the brook and hiking back through an old overgrown logging road we found that we call ‘sheep shoot’ . we like imagining it being used to move sheep from pasture to pasture over 100 years ago when all the land here was bare and used for sheep farming. It’s a pretty strenuous hike with lots of ups and down ..

I took advantage of the rest of the day to clean out my closets and drawers.. It had been needing it for a longggg time 



Felt good to pas these clothes on to somone who needs them more than I do

nite all, nite sam


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