saturday night – FLL

Today was the state championship for the  FIRST Lego League. (FLL)  THis is where middle schoolers build very cool robots from lego.. and present the projects theve been doing on a challenge theme. This is the first time we held this event in a host company. Global Foundries is now sponsoring the entire FLL competition in the state. >. there were hundered of pekids, families, judges and visiting VIPs. It s sooooo fun seeign the kids creativity on display !

It wa also fun being back in Global FOunderies.. this used to be the IBM plant that both Diane and I worked in.. I worked in these buildign s on and off for more than 40 years !

aas I was walkign in.. I remmebere4d that I first met diane on these  starirs  in  building 969,. 
I handed my camera to soemone to take a picture of me in that very spot. 

That was a very lucky day for me 🙂 

nite all, nite sam

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