Saturday night – In the Cafe at Omega

Greetings from the spiritual center of Dutchess County. Diane and I are still at Omega Institute with Leah and L:arry.   I’m sitting in the cafe here at the retreat center.. the only interent access on site.. I’m entering this on a public computer.. so no pictures tonight.. and (sorry) no spell checker.. so you get me at my dyslexic best.
We are really enjoying the seminar we’re attending here..  The seminar is being lead by a guy named Brian Weiss… who is a hynotheripist.. and was the head of psychiatry at Yale U. Hospital. He’s spent the last 27 years doing regression therepy on people to help them address persitent pschological problems.. Dr. Weiss was practicing traditional hypnotherapy for many years when he started to find that he seemed to be able to regress people back into previous lives! Further.. he found in some cases  he was able to find sources for peoples physchological and physical problems in those past lives.. and treat them . His traditional medical training made this very hard for him to first… though he continued to use the practice because it often proved to be very effective. Over time his he came to beleive that he was tapping into real evidence of reincarnation.. He now beleives that all of us circulate through many, many lives… gradually working our way through ‘lesson’s towards enlightenment. What’s more is that we tend to ‘hang out’ more or less with the same group of souls through time… sometimes changing relationshiops, genders, etc. That’s such a strech for me given my religious and scinetific training….. but he points out that this is the established tradition in most of the worlds religions.. and was only removed from the Judeo-christine docterine in recent history.
 After listening to him for a day and a half.. I’m not sure what I beleive.. I will tell you that this is a very intelligent man, he passionately believes in what he’s doing I can also tell you that I’ve been deeply hypnotized 3 times in the past 24 hours.
Each time I’ve gotten a glimpse of something very vivid and beleivable.. I’ve ‘seen’ myself in Victorian enlland (I think) smelling coal smoke and watcihng people set up arc lights… I got a glimpse  of myself as a Roman-era wizard building gizmos for a local duke, predicting eclipses for fun and profit and teaching kids mischeif.. I had the most wonderful shop.. it was a half octagonal room with great light and views of the ocean (Mediterainien). I had lots of tools for shaping metal and tons of chemicals in pots.
I was considered to be slightly crazy, powerful and harmless. Kids hung out and pulled my beard and hung around my shop to learn things..   and most recently as a  Jewish hermit/sorcerer that lived outside a large city in the woods of northeren europe dispensing charms and making astronimical projections for people who sought me out. Are these images real ? That’s still hard for me to beleive.. but there was something so clear and detailed about each of these visions.. it was if I could walk around and see anyhting I wanted. Much more vived than any dream I’ve ever had.    I’m still trying to process what it is that I’ve experienced here.. I will tell you this.. my mind and my heart are open

Right now we’re sitting in the cafe with one of the guys from the seminar who’s hypnotizing each of us ..and trying to take us back  It’s sort of  like the stuff that Max is able to do. only with a time machine..

I need to sign off now to see if I can find myself again somewhere sometime..As Jerry always said// ” What a long strange trip it’s been.”

Gnite all.. gnite Sam.. Namaste

ps. THis place reminds me of one of my favorite modern poems.. “Sunflower Sutra” by Alan Ginsberg (who used to come here.. I think)

Here’s the last verse :

–We’re not our skin of grime, we’re not our dread
bleak dusty imageless locomotive, we’re all
beautiful golden sunflowers inside, we’re blessed
by our own seed & golden hairy naked
accomplishment-bodies growing into mad black
formal sunflowers in the sunset, spied on by our
eyes under the shadow of the mad locomotive
riverbank sunset Frisco hilly tincan evening
sitdown vision.
Alan Ginsberg Berkley 1953

Remember.. poetry is good for you