Saturday night – Our lady of …

We’re in Endicott today for our nephew Vincent’s high school graduation. Today Vincent’s family held a congratulations party for him and his cousin Nolan.. who lives two doors down.

Vincent will be going to Boston University next year to study neuroscience and classics.. now how’s that for a combo ?

Soemone had given Vincent a redbull picture … we took it as a ‘hi’ from Sam.

The party was held in Our Lady of Good Council.. the chucrch Diane’s family has been goign to for years.. We used to call it Our Lady of the Railroad Tracks… because.. that’s how I remember how to find it.

Anyway.. it was fun sneakign around a church when no one was looking.. it was very beautiful and quiet.  

I guess the catholouc schools here compete in sports liek any other school district.. I liekd their names.. This one, obviously..

This one is kind of poetic….

Now this  one might be a challenge for a sports team… what kind of cheer would you imagine ?

Struggle today….
Struggle tomorrow
Fight like the devil
Our lady of Sorrows  !

It was  a fun and peaceful day.. and it continues to be… I’m goign to sit and watch a movvie on TV .. I don’t know when the last time I did that.. What are you goign to do ?
ite folks.. Nite Sam