We had several of the kids sleeping over last nght.. They were all pretty late sleepers.. Diane and I had soem quiet time this morning. We painted SamStones.. (Diane did most of them ) It’s a great spiritual thing to write Sam’s name again and again and again.. These stones have been such a great thing.
I miss you – Im not gonna crack
I love you – Im not gonna crack
I killed you – Im not gonna crack
I came back and took Chai for a long snowshoe in the back. She enjoyed getting out into woods. She’s been pretty mopey the last week with the new addition.. though she seems to be warming up to her.. We took the walk at a really fast pace. We were both pretty tuckered out when we got back. I was so relaxed that I decided to do our taxes.. not much fun.. but a great sense of accomplishment ! Lots of memories in there as well.
– Yoshimi (Yoshi or Shimi for short) after the Flaming Lips song “Yoshimi battles the pink robots”
– Ninjette –(or ‘jet for short).. Ninjette is defined in the urban dictionary as:
The woman who is the equal and true soulmate for a Ninja.
Her intellect, wit and creativity must match his exactly.
Also, the Ninjette will always support her Ninja without fail through life.
Each Ninja only has one Ninjette and will never find another. Also, no true Ninja will ever be totally happy going through life with any woman other than his Ninjette.
Question from ordinary man 1:
Wow, Ninja John seems sharper and more deadly than ever, what do you think happened?
Answer from somewhat enlightened ordinary man 2:
He found his Ninjette and is now complete.