Very nice day… Started with getting my teeth cleaned… That's always nice. Then home to see if we could debug why our woodstove was not working. Diane and I took the woodstove as completely apart as possible. We are looking for something jammed up in there because stove simply isn't running well. We disassembled the air intakes and vacuumed out all the tubes That didn't seem to clear the problem .
Finally We removed the stove pipe. Icreated a little wire holder for a mirror and stuck it Way back so I could look up the chimney. Sure enough… The screen that is up there to keep birds from going in was choked with creosote. We think and hope that's our problem
Tonight we went over to Andy and Jennifer's for might ski… Wasn't moonlight, it was the sodium vapor lamps from IDM still had a really nice atmosphere. We had a great dinner and hung out in their hot tub. Good fun. Now got to sleep… More tomorrow
Nightall, night Sam