Sat night – short post before long flight

    I just got to the gate in time to board. the flight to Sydney.. S I found someone’s free wirelessJust want to say a quick hi before getting on the plane . I just learned that it’s a 10 hour flight ! So much for it being in the same neighborhood !
   I had a geat day walking around Shanghai wiht a few of my firends. I think I took 150 pictures.. unfortunately.. I don’t have the time or bandwidth to upload them now.
    Ooooops they’re boarding now !  Gotta run.. Let me just relate one quick story I just heard from home. Our buddy Scott just told me that he was bringing in wood to the house.. as he picked up the wood from the pile he found a completely preserved hershey bar.. Sam stacked that wood.. Must have been his 🙂
   OK.. I’ll write more from down under !  I love you all..  I miss you Diane, Gabe and Max.. you too Sam.


o much for it being in the same neighborhood !. )