saturday night – settled in

Today was the day we helped gabe set up his apt. it was a ton of work but fun..

first mission was to go rent a truck.. I got all the wy there and realized I’d dropped my wallet in the lab at home.. D-oh.. anohter 25 mile round trip.

got home.. then transformed this old dining room table into a coffee table by doing a legectomy…


thanks goodness for the truck..w e had a ton more stuff than I thought.. we filled the truck pretty completely !


this is the first time I’ve seen the place.. 41 soemthing or other street.. a hige old victorian.. great location..

great college digs..   here’s gabes freidn androoy luke with diane and gabe in front of the place..


here’s gabes room. Hey and diane painted it allready. it’s cool and bright.. and has this great curved window !



after gabe got his room set,we helped out hanging posters, moving furniture, drinking their beer, etc.


Gabe and  I biilt soem cell phone controllable bling as well


i think gabes gonna really like it there !

we’re really empty nesters now !


nite all, nite sam



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