Sunday night – old cd’s

Diane has spent the last several days cleaning out our old home office.We both feel like de-cluttering our house and our lives. I guess with this crazy weather.. we could even call it Spring cleaning. Like any room in our house.. any box of stuff we open from the past can be bitter sweet. This job’s no exception. There are tons of drawings all three boys did as kids in school, old report cards, notebooks, pictures etc. Diane’s handling the lion’s share of that.. for which I’m truly grateful. Even before Sam’s death I had trouble parting with would be keep sakes. Every scrap for me requires a conversation.. at least with myself.. is this trash or treasure ? Do we really need to keep every kids Spanish tests.. no.. guess not
Between us. we’ve managed to chuck about 5 bags of stuff.. and we feel lighter for having done it.. My job was actually pretty easy.. I had to go through all of the old CD’s we ‘d accumulated.. Music, games, data.. and huge stacks of unlabeled CD’s..

going through the labeled stuff wasn’t that hard.. music we keep.. most video games we had were circa windows 3.1 and wouldn’t likely run anyway.. those we got rid of. Some of the other software were great finds for me.. solidworks, poser, aftereffects, flash composer.. coreldraw.. all dates.. but still good for some hobby projects. Where the real work came was going through the unlabeled disks.. lots and lots of them.. most were either empty or unreadable but some had some nice surprises: old term papers, early drafts of kids video projects, kids playing music.

One of my favorites I found in the unlabeled pile was this school project of Sam’s ..I’m guessing ts from around 2003 or 2004. I think they were supposed to be talking about Japan.. The video is mostly about Sam, Corey, Parker and Erich just messing around. There’s a great cameo of young Gabe as a karate expert. ..

I pulled together all the sam parts here..

but if anyone really wants to watch this beautiful silliness.. here’s the whole movie.

Untitled from john cohn on Vimeo.

I know this stuff is really silly.. and though it hurts. I just can’t stop watching this .. and smiling..

nite all, nite sam

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