saturday night – Floatapalooza

Today was the 2nd anual Floatapalooza.. A fund raising event for the Burton Chill program  that gets kids who can’t  usually get to the maountian up on a snowboard.   the event was organized by our freinds mike.. and cara…



this years planning was so good. We let everyone use our yard for prep and filling up the floats and hanging out until time to launch. It was so grea.t. at one poitn tehre were more than 200 folks in our yard getting ready to float down the winooski


they had a dj to keep things lively


at noon mike organized everyone and they started takign their floats down to the river. 


mike even presented us with our own flat for helping. that was s uch a nice thing to do !!!!.. we were happy to help !

here you can see folks loading up


and our neighbors on the bridge watching the craziness. 


diane an i took turns on the foat and an intertube. it was so fun doign this together !


the ride down took more than 3 hours… folsk were hanging out, talking, drinking beer.. it was very chill  and fun !


at Cara.. or was it Pratts.. everyone got out and the guys fed everyone .. hotdogs and water. It was so nice of them to do that !\


there was even a band.. the tnederbellies.. an acustic bluegrass/blues/americana band. they were SO excellent !



i made a potatoe chip sandwich 


thne back int he water for the next 2/3 of the float


there’s gabe !


and Tom


the band loaded into to canoes and played the rest of the trip. it was so great having live music in the river !


we ran into our good freind Nick !

2/3 the way we all got of at ‘shotgun island’.. and took pictures.. and chugged beer.. very mature 🙂


about that time I ran out of phone batteries.. we did the rest of the float and pulled out at richmond green.


there were schoolbuses there ready to take everyone back to cara’s for an afterparty..catered by moe’s




what a great event.. thansk to Mike and Cara and everyone else for all the work they put in to make this a really magical day !



ok.. i cant keep my eyes open any more.. gotta sleep !. More tomorrow !

nite all, nite sam


One thought on “saturday night – Floatapalooza”

  1. Awesome stuff John and Diane!
    You guys are two of my heroes! 🙂
    I never cease to be amazed by all the good things you do in the world!

    I just wanted to leave a quick note in here and say “hello” !! It’s been quite a while…

    My brother and I are still taking care of my Mom. She’s 91 now and has her share of challenges, but the quality of her life is good and for the most part she is happy. As far as I’m concerned that’s all that matters!

    Hope all is well in your world!

    Take Care and Be Well 🙂


    – Paul Kruse

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