Liminal.. I’ve always loved that word.. but never used it.. I first remember coming across it many years ago in a in a novel by A. S. Byatt It means”barely perceptible” or “relating to the point (or threshold) beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced”.. W experience the word in “subliminal’ as in ‘below perception”.. but who gives much thought to that point at which something transitions above subliminal to… to what ? To Liminal.. hard to put your finger on it, but that’s the whole point of ‘liminal”…
That whole riff was going through my mind today as I was taking a left turn out of work across moving traffic. I was looking right and thought I saw a small tear in the fabric of reality.. it was like a curtain fluttering at the edge of my vision.. like the whole idea of Essex Junction Vermont had been spray painted on a screen.. and I was seeing behind it.. I made my turn.. met my friends for lunch.. but.. I’m still here wondering what it is I saw or didn’t see..
I always wonder what it’s like in other people’s heads.. is it like this ?
nite all, nite sam
Hi John!
I know it is half educational, half promotional (there is a new game called Angry Birds Space, a joint venture between NASA and the developers), but I know that if you were an astronaut you would be doing something like this:
Looking forward to your next visit to Mexico City!