Wonderful day.. Diane was up at 6.. i was up at 7.. and the boys slept till about 11.. That gave Diane and me plenty of time to get out for a run and get ready for a family Christmas .. The kids came down around 11 .. with the Sam lanterns burning.. .. our family tradition.. He dogs are as in to it as the kids are..
We had several themes.. Cooking stuff for gabe.. and warm work stuff for Max. He and his company are moving to Ellenville new york..
we broke several times to play pool.
I got a great book on cheese !..
and the boys got me some new MIG welding gloves.. ties together with a chain.. (i have 2 left handed gloves.. and no right handed ones that I can find.. ).. this way I cant lose them !
Aroudn noon, our good freinds Barb and Jim came over..
Barb had painted this AMAZING picture of Sam for us. .. look at this !
Jim and I looked like twins 1
We finished up our lazy Christmas around 4L30.. by 6 it was time to start cooking dinner.. we all cooked together.. so much fun.. and such a great meal !
gene real tsao’s fish, garlic eggplant and rice.
first the Chanukah lights for night 2 !
After dinner we bundled up and headed out to do one of our other traditions.. We decorate a tree in the woods every year for animals..
it was about 17 degrees.. but we were bundled up well.
we brought along mulled wine. Yum !
sam was with us as always..
We’re now all sitting together watching videos of Max’s first christmas.. Marcia had them copied to DVD for us.. They are so great to have !
really really nice day.. lots of love.. lots of laughs.. some tears.. at least from me.. Times like this make me really miss Sam eve more.
I’m lucky and happy to have my family here..
Hope you all had a great day too !
nite all nite sam
ps. One other thing that happened this evening is that an old picture of me with Bernie snaders went viral again on reddit.. tonight.. . pretty funny ! https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5k9c1b/when_santa_is_star_struck_by_you_youre_doing/?sort=new&st=ix5lb6mx&sh=ce8df8bd