Monday evenng – First day on the playa (delayed post)

burning mans ‘days’ are actually nights.. we head out around 9 or 20 at night and get back around 4:30-5.. this first night we cruized aroudn seeign what was already tehre. first stop was our camp parnters in Rabid Trransit.. frinds Duane, Micki and Jerry.. they built Pulpo mechanico … and this is here new creation. 


then we unloaded enough bikes to get around and took off.. 


first stop was the beutiful peoice “aqueos’ from Jen Lewin studios’ .. Max was the lead tech on it.. it was so breutiful.. it responded very natually to walk or dance


afther that we jsut went cruzing aroudn the playa checkign out the art 



this tree was so simnole.. but one of m favorites. 


home past .4


gabe and I slept in one of the trucks..SOem of the othrs just slept outside that first night.. I’m sure it was cooler out there 



veryone needed ot  lean up.. then we started to set o the camp. and eat brakfast  




i had a vermont shaped sandwhich 


hey the campo is looking good !


here’s the setu for the hexayirst.. ther makde of foam panels.. much cooler than a fabrzM 


hey… here’s my frind Rolf from The Ntehrlands.. how’d HE get there . 



our first camp meeting.. awwww


end of another great day.. more tomorrow..

nite all. nite sam


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