Friday night – duality

The last three days have been a blur.. On one hand,I’ve been insanely busy with work and family. Ive worked a couple of 12 hour days with much on my mind.. Even with that pace and workload, i have to admit that im feeling pretty happy and fulfilled with what I’m working on At the same time, i’ve been completely ‘stuck’ with worry about my friend Jim. Jim’s been in a coma 3 days now after a bad accident on his way home from work in Poughkeepsie . I feel so strange being up here without being able to do anything.. Im not sure if i should go down now.. Or wait until he wakes up (he will.. I just know it . He’s got some encouraging signs now)
The last couple of days ive only been able to write about Jim because it feels somehow wrong to talk about other day to day stuff in the same post as his story. For example, i wanted to talk about yesterdays open house at the high school which Gabe mc’ed on the speaker… Or talk about the crazy bad stuff thats going on in the middle east..Or gabes soccer dinner tonight at Jacks, But it feels weird to mix subjects like that. But.. I cant really not talk about my life.. Because life goes on.. And it does not.. At the same time. Its that same crazy duality that let me go on.. …No made me go on …. after sam died. Life keeps on happening no matter what happens….

Things felt very much normal tonight at the soccer dinner

.. And I’m grateful for that

Get well jim.. We need you

Nite all, nite sam

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