Thrusday – zzzzzzzzzz know you’re getting older when a single 2:30 AM night makes you dopey the next day.. I did this for years without feeling it .. or at least pretending to not feel it. .. My late last night on the robot  has kept me from thinking about much today..

I worked at home this morning with back to back meetings from 8AM ..  did get outside for a short run. On my way I go to see the local ‘hunt’ across the street.

Over lunch I did another show… It’s only Oct 2 and I’ve already hit my Jleigh  imposed budget of 2 shows per month.  this time for a bunch of kids studying Spanish in schools.. I did the intro in spanish.. but I don’t think the kids were that far along. Mygoal is eventually to be able to do my whole show in spanish. i have a lonnnnnng way to go !.. 

Anyway.. it was fun.. in fact. it’s one of the most fun things I do.. there are times when I’m performming when I reach this sort of transcendence.. I don’t think anything makes me happier.. that’s kinda cool

The rest of the day was absolutely packed… It’s a really interesting time at work.. I can’t go in to it here.. but it’s exhausting…

I got out of work just before 7. then met Diane and Gabe at Bridge street for dinner with friends.. then came home. Gabe couldn’t wait to show me his latest remix. he’s getting to be awesome at audio mixing. I’m going to see if I can post one of his mixes here.

That’s about it for the day.. now.. on to the innovation journal.. just 2 more days…

1. What, if anything related to innovating occurred for you today?

Not too much.. Diane looked at the video for the haloween monstor and suggested soem refinements to the head and neck. At the vary least we need to make him look down so folks can see his face when h’e s fully standing.

2.Who else was involved (knowingly or not!) in what happened for you onthat effort today? (Please don’t forget to include ST chats, emailexchanges, etc.)

Diane and I brainstomred a bit.. then Homer and I branstormed a bit.. .. Jana weighed in later in the day. we are all still thinking

3.In general, do you feel more optimistic or more concerned about the potential / likely success of this effort today than yesterday?  Why?

To sleepy to think about it that much

4. Please take a picture of something (anything) that is suggestive of this effort in any way that is meaningful to you….  (or draw one).

Lack of wakefullness prevvents me from coming up with anything new..

I’ll put in the remix stuff that I helped Gabeset up for.. though the innovation is entirely his

If you want to hear the track he made tonight . go check it out here

 I’ll also repost yesterdays Projext movie in case anyone missed it.


5. Did anything hinder your innovativeness today ?

sleepinessbusy work calendar

6. Add anything else you think pertinent to your day.


Love you all.. love you Sam
