Merhaba From Istanbul. I had a peaceful and productive day. But I spent most of it working alone in my room. Except for a nice run midmorning, I just sat at my desk and did what I was supposed to do. Around 5 o'clock I went and joined my IBM colleagues for the first talk Of my visit. I met some great people doing that. Period. And I got the kinks out of my talk. Both very good things.
The only bad thing was that it's now very late and I need to wake up early… So no long blog today. Besides the only pictures I got today for about 25 more pictures of Ataturk in various places in the city. Man these Guys love Atatürk… And the more I know about him the more I think it was deserved. We all need an Atatürk sometime
(Gee, even my voice dictation software knows about Atatürk… Or enough to put the little dots over the U)
This is all I could come up with with pictures on this device. Sorry about that. I promise to do better tomorrow.
Here we are practicing for our technical talk tomorrow.
Okay, I got to sleep. More tomorrow.
Night all, night Sam
– Me