Monday evening – posted from a parking lot in Tucson

I’m writing from a plane on my way to Tucson. It feels really funny leaving Diane, Max and Gabe behind. As I said before, I’m not so worried about how they’ll do without me.. I’m more worried how I’ll do without them. I am relying on them so much for comfort and a sense of ‘center’. Somehow I feel like Sam is traveling with me.. which brings me some comfort. One thing about traveling is that it brings you in close contact with many strangers.  As we took off from Burlington. I started to cry a little as I thought of the last time I flew out of Burlington to go say goodbye to Sam in Florida.  I thought I was being pretty discreet.. but the woman next to me tapped me on the arm and asked me if I was OK..  ‘Yeah I’m fine,’ I said.. but she didn’t buy it.. so I switched to option b) and told her about Sam.  I spent the rest of the flight to JFK talking to her and her father about Sam, travel, etc. It turns out that she and her Dad (Bree and Lars)  were on their way to Turkey for 9 days of traveling around by bus. One of the places they are going is Ephesus, one of the most amazing archaeological sites that I’ve ever seen. (So great in fact that the MSWord spell checker knows how it’s spelled!) Diane. Max and I visited there in 1990.  I remember it having a very lavish ‘vomitorium’ where you went to  ‘regain your hunger’  between courses at a feast.., obscene  graffiti and an secret tunnel between  a brothel and a religious temple. I gave my two traveling friends one of the clay ‘sam stones’ that I had with me to leave at the site. What do you think the archeologists will make of that J ? I like the thought that these stones with Sam’s name on it will get spread over the world. If you or your friends are planning a trip somewhere distant, please let us know and we’ll give you a stone to toss for Sam.     I’ve got one of the stones to give to my friend Chris in Tucson. I’ll also give one to my friends I’ll be seeing from China and Japan to take back to their countries. Now that I think of it .. I didn’t bring enough for the countries I’ll be seeing. I’ll need to  start carrying more of them with me.   Thanks so much to Jen for helping us make them. I feel the need to make many more.

    Tomorrow’s meeting will be my first real full day back at work since Sam died (7 weeks ago this evening). I’m excited and nervous about being back. Today I spent about 4 hours at work.. though it wasn’t much like work, really.. most of my day was spent getting hugged by everyone I saw. It felt really great to see everyone again..   I also went to the doctors (for antibiotics-still sick) and the grocery store.. both places I got hugged by many  of the folks I saw. I love living in a small, close community like we do.

    Well.. now I do need to get some work done.  Since I’m not there to hug anyone..  or be hugged please hug someone you love for me tonight.. If that doesn’t work.. hug yourself.. or a pet.. or a lamp.. or something.   Here’s a hug for you Sam. I’m thinking of you from the plane.
