Tuesday night – on mistakes

So.. does it ever happen to you that a theme evolves in your life.. Something that appears inc reasingly frequently.. in disparate parts of your life ? That happens to me sometimes.. and usually at great pints of opportunity. possibility and transition. Its as if the world is trying to tell you something in as many ways it can

for me .. right now.. its on the value and lessons of mistakes….screw ups, miscalculations…

Those who know me well know that I’m an imperfect perfectionist.. Imperfect in that I’m pathologically disorganized.. .. but a perfectionist none the less.. I don’t like making mistakes.. no one does. .. But like everyone else .. I make them all the time.. 


I think the message is.. i’m beginning to accept them more.. maybe even enjoy them !


Tonight I had a meeting / presentation that didn’t go that well due to technical difficulties among other things. 2 weeks ago I had major presentation disasters in 3 coutnires.. but in each case.. imanaged ot keep smiling and learn from them. .THats kind of new for me.. botht he smiling part.. and the learnign paet. 

Take today for exmple . in a great act of meta-mistakes.. this morning I was on the cover of the Retina’ section of Spanish national Newspaper El Pais.. it was a great article but half way through the interviewer picked up on this theme of the lessons of mistakes.. He did a very good job of capturing the intent of my message  . He also somehow captured my  appreciative mention of  the one org I know that celebrates the lessons of mistakes F**kUp Nights  

Since the executives in my company are discouraged   from    using  the F-word publicly I’m certain thats the part will be the part of the wonderful article thats remembered by my bosses πŸ™‚   But I loved the article.. and that the slip was a mistake in itself that reinforced  the message. 

How meta is that : > ?!?

I think learnign to tolerate and grow.. maybe even enjoy failre is a new evolutionary step. that might make me a better person..


but .. maybe I’m gettign that wrong.. and that would be cool too

nite all,. nite sam



One thought on “Tuesday night – on mistakes”

  1. I’ve learned to reflect on my mistakes. There is always a lesson. Of course, you don’t have the spare time that I have. Since I always grow from the mistakes, I am definitely a better person- more honest and less likely to be critical of those around me.

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