Monday night – memorial day

We passed a peaceful memorial day doing projects around the house. It was a beautiful cool day .. perfect for working outside.   Towards evening we wandered over to Jane and George’s for a Mmeorial Day cook out..

I was determined ot wear shorts despite the low 50’s outside.. I

eventually had to give up and go put on jeans.. We all huddled together

and talked about our funny town ploitics. It was good connecting with


I’ve been sitting here thinkign about Memorial Day and what it means.. It feels strange  that this start of summer vacation is in honor of all the people who have died in all the wars since this country’s creations. I spent time today thinkng of all those war dead, thanking them for their service..  and sending them peace. You’d think with such a day on the calendar we’d learn that war was an outmoded idea. .. but our country is currently fighting wars in at least two countries. It just doesn’t make sense. It stopped makign sense to me the day that Sam died. Whay would anyone kill for an idea ? Why would anyone kill for any reason ?

This Thursday would have been Sam’s 17th birthday. A day we’ll mark and celibrate and cry about.. I feel Sam’s spirit moving through me powerfuly these days . I feel he’s lifting me up.. I nede it this week..   Be with us Sam, we love you.. Gnite
