Monday night 0 Other people's stuff

Oy.what a day..everythign I touched today broke, went south, cracked,

shorted, kicked the bucket, fizzled, crapped out, had the radish,

flipped freaked out, or plain just didn’t work. Not sure what was up..

but it didn’t matter if it was a meeting, a concept, a piece of

hardware, my computer, my car.. etc.. nothing seemed to work.. It got

so bad that at the end of the day (5:45) I skipped a meeting and went

home to do Diane’s yoga class in order not to break anything else.


htta spirit.. I don’t dare try to put anything aroingal here tonight

for fear I’d screw it up.. Instead, I’ll give you a look at other

people’s stuff.. In this case, very special other people that I love..

meaning my son Gabe. and my baby sister Mary.. So.. first. ehre are

soem wicked cool pictures that gabe an his friend Dylan took last

Friday night.. they’re photos using multiple and time laps exposures..

with some colored LED’s that I gave them tossed in for fun..

I just think these things are brilliant  and creative … and so is Gabe !


so is my baby sister Mary.. she sent me the following vid of her

neighborhood doign their annual Halloween Thriller thing.. Mary’s not

in there, but her business neighbor, Louis Erdrich.. who’s one of my

favorite authors is intthere dancing in a read dress with sparkly

things.. (I’ve read several of her books.. Love Medicine, The Beat

Queen, Master Butchers Singing Club, Paque of Doves, Tracks)


OK.. I know better than to attempt to do anythign original tonight.. so I’ll stop here while I’m ahead..

Nite to all of you. note t you, too Sam
