Tuesday night – Prevailing wind

We had a very nice and quiet in the house. I worked on to art projects I’m doing for other people… When is the light sculpture for my friend JOHN… And the other is the revival of a 30 foot keyboard for my friend Mike… Both are fun and engaging.… I also worked on a robot project with my friends Va and Douglas. I have to say I’m happiest when I’m making things 🙂

In keeping with the weeks theme… Diane and I went to Bolton for the fourth straight day… Which is the steepest way up to the tower. It was in the high teens and blowing… And really beautiful.

There is a really nice layer of ice rhyme Upon the tower… You could see the prevailing wind must always be blowing west. Check out the snow pattern

OK… It’s actually the next morning… We’re about to climb Bowden again for the fifth time this week… Hopefully maybe catch a little of the sunrise

Nite all, nite Sam


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