Super super busy day… I had several phone meetings… The most fun was with my new friend Anna .. She’s working on an article for Forbes magazine about remote collaboration…Before she called… I noticed her last name was Esaki-Smith. As soon as we got on the phone I asked her if she was any relation to the famous physicist Leo Esaki . She started laughing… That is her dad… He still living and working in Japan at age 96.
Esaki Is the most famous IBM ever … By my estimation. He was an IBM fellow and he won the Nobel prize For physics in 1973. He discovered the property of electron tunneling in solids . tunneling diodes are still also called ‘Esaki diodes , after him.
He retired back in 1992 but I remember meeting him at a function… I was pretty excited to meet him
I just read in Wikipedia that he had these 5 “don’t rules”- Don’t allow yourself to be trapped by your past experiences.
- Don’t allow yourself to become overly attached to any one authority in your field – the great professor, perhaps.
- Don’t hold on to what you don’t need.
- Don’t avoid confrontation.
- Don’t forget your spirit of childhood curiosity
I really enjoyed my conversation with Ana… And really liked your line of thinking about Zoom fatigue. She writes about education and technology… She’s a good person to know
Ok that a it for today
More tomorrow
Nite all, nite sam

tres cool.