My aunt Bridget reminds me that today is an “ambigram”… That means it’s the same backwards and forwards and upside down !
How cool is that?…
I’m down in Orlando right now… On IBM related business.
I was so happy surprised as I was waiting in the airport that my friend Ryan came up and was on the same plane… I really think that if I could wish for anyone in the world who would be fun to sit next to On a plane… Ryan would be in the top 3…. He’s such an Energetically and inspiring guy… I think we think very much the same
And our love of connecting to other people and connecting them to each other.… Talking with him made my day… No my way… No my year… I don’t know
One crazy thing that happened while we were talking is that my glasses broke… I don’t know if you all know this… But I am Losing my ability to read… And I’m close to having eyesight that’s too poor to drive.… Luckily I’m getting cataract surgery next week… So having my glasses break this week was a pretty funny thing. It’s a little crazy and scary to be out in the world and not be able to read simple things like menus etc.… But… I’ve grown up to be a really good listener and great memorizer so I can usually fake it.… But having my glasses break while traveling was pretty freaky. Luckily I had some clip leads and other things that I can improvise a way of keeping my broken glasses working…More or less
I spent the afternoon at the University of Central Florida… With my friend Alicia.We had about 28 people and it was so fun.… I think the audience liked my talk and then afterwards I had a spontaneous mob of people… Mostly talking about first robotics. It was truly my happy place
I can hardly keep my eyes open now… So I’ll sign off.
happy ambigram !
nite all, nite sam
dec 2nd from last year ? huh