The day started early with gabe and I leaving the airbnb at 5:30 to catch gabes 7am flight home.. its been so great having him here. With us ! Were so proud of our boys !
I got back home by 6:30  and caught a few more hours of sleep..
We met. Up at max and beckys at 10:30 and headed up to the mountains to see some. Fresh snow ! It was a beautiful hike.. we brought our new butt sleds which added some great sliding fun !
danny braught H s drone along..l I hope to be able to share those pucs soon …
We said goodbye to danny and Elizabeth… then mx,becky, doreen, George and I headed back up to the hot tuba at 10000 waves for. Wonderful soak.. then a Great meal a their restaurant izunami for. Great Japanese meal
It was a great way to spend boxing day..whatever that mens 😉
Note ll, note sm