Tuesday night – Happy 111111

A funny thing happened the day before yesterday.. It was early morning and I was coming back from a run with the dogs. I saw Diane in the van parked at the corner in front of our house. She was waiting for me.. As I got close enough to hear, she yelled for me to come over and look at the car..   The odometer on the van read 111111.. That’s amazing.. most cars only get six of the same number twice in their lives… 0000000 and 111111. what are the chances that it would happen exactly in our garage as this had done. Diane knows that I love stuff like this.. and she was waiting there for me to get back and see it. You know you married the right woman when she indulges your obsessions like that.   What’s even more interesting is that 11’s have always held special meaning for me.. My lucky number has always been 911 (long before sept 11).. 411 has always meant visitors,  611 has meant changes and 211 has always meant ‘watch out’.  111111 looked pretty auspicious ..   I don’t know if it’s a bit of the obsessive compulsive in me.. or its some deep channeling of the mystic numerology of my culture… Judaism has always had a strange fascination with the meaning of numbers.. the whole mystic tradition of the Cabal is about divining spiritual messages from numeric coincidences.

What amazed me even more is that Diane found on the web that 11:11 is a particularly   auspicious time.. Evidently, there was some big consciousness opening period that began on 11/11/08 and ended on 01/11/09. Check out some of these links and this and this

11:11 Higher Consciousness Pt.1

Whats cool is that the odometer thing actually happend on 01/11/09.. How cool is that ?

OK.. I nede to go to meditiation class now.. so that’s all for today…
Happy two two days after 01/11 everyone

nite Sam