Sunday night – jeanne

On Sunday we woke up to amazingly warm temperatures… Eventually got up to 71. All the snow was gone. Dianne and I took advantage of it to take a longer run down the floodwall on the Nanticoke river… Brought back lots of memories of running there over the years especially with the dogs

Around noon we went over to Joe and Pats and then started heading up to visiting hours for Diane’s aunt Jean.… On the way we drove past all of the old buildings that used to be Ibm. It really looks like visiting ancient ruins. The buildings are now empty and crumbling… Hard to believe this was the start of the company…

The visiting hours for aunt Jeanne we’re up in Port Dickerson… They gave us a chance to drive by Dianne’s grandmothers old house… It was looking pretty good.

The visiting hours themselves were nice. We are able to see Diane’s cousins and share some memories. Luckily we had just scanned a bunch of picturesFor Jo which included quite a few pictures of aunt jeanne and family . I’m happy that I can share them with the family.

From there we all drove back to Chou and Patz and sat out in the 70° sun.… So strange that there had been several inches of snow there the day before

That evening Joe Pat Dianne Linda David and I went out for Thai food…. The end of a really nice visit

nite all, nite sam


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