Tuesday night – motors

today was an amazing experience. Arin and I took part in a very special event at University of Vermont. My friend Kevin from Brandon Vermont had organize the event. They were about 20 students from otter Valley high school who came up to UVM to see the unveiling of the “new” davenport’s motor that my friend Dave H had built. The first electric motor in the world… Or at least United States and certainly the first patent it electric motor was built by Thomas Davenport, a blacksmith a Brandon Vermont a long his wife. He designed the motor after seeing an electromagnet working to separate iron ore .Ruth did a number of basic electricity demonstrations including how electromagnets work, the Lorentz force,, lenses law etc. The kids even got to build two small motors… And electromagnet mutated motor and a homopolar motor. The last 15 minutes Aaron and I showed our new study hall electric motor. It is the pusher motor from our Alia playing it was constructed by our wonderful studyhall team… Aaron, andrea, Sara, ‘Shannon and me. We calculated that the new motor was 5000 times (!) more powerful than the Davenport motor… That’s a lot of progress and just 186 years :-)… We learned quite a bit I having our motor out reviews for the kids. We have some ideas for improvement… It was the first time we taking it out of beta And we were overall pleased with how it worked.

WCAXTV did a nice short piece on the visit


I was proud to be part of this!

nite all, nite sam


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