So.. I’m driving in to work this morning after dropping Gabe off at school, ready to get on my first call of the day. I was to have been talking to my friend Sridhar in India.. I dialed into the conf call then BOINK .. my cell phone crashes. I have a blackberry.. I think the software on it is more complicated than the stuff on my laptop and about 10 times as buggy. I stopped the car and tried to reboot my phone.. I try artificial respiration, I try my most powerful magic.. nothing works. I have no choice but to pull out the battery and restart it that way. The trouble is.. it takes nearly 15 minutes to restart when I do that (why.. I can’t even begin to guess)… Meanwhile. poor Sridhar is sitting there waiting for me … and it’s nearly 9 PM there.. I start driving around looking for a pay phone.. Guess what.. they’re all either broken, non functional or they’ve been removed. In the end I was not able to find a public phone.. my phone came back to life and I finally connected with my friend. albeit 15 minutes late.. But.. the payphone predicament stuck with me.. Think about the last time YOU used a payphone.. // It’s been a while.. no ? They’ve been made completely obsolete by cell phones.. Pretty interesting that something that’s been an icon of communication for more than 80 years would disappear so suddenly… and that no one would even really take note that it was gone..
T Here are about 500 of you out there reading this tonight.. do you think you can help me out here ? What do YOU think the world of 2050 will bring ?! What new inventions will there be ? What will have disappeared ? What changes to society will have occurred ? Will it be nirvana or hell ? or both.. or neither ? I’d like to hear what you think ! Please help me not suck tomorrow when I have to predict the future…
It’s only appropriate that I’m using myspace, facebook and twitter to make this plea… they weren’t predicted by anyone either
Night folks.. happy prophesying.. Nite Sam !