Wednesday night – fun at airports

I had a couple of hours this evening of hanging out at. Newark airport. Most of it i put to very good use because i spent it with my good friend and colleague dave l who was traveling back to England. We spend a solid couple of hours talking about work, life, work-life, friends, work friends ,and life-friends ( covered the whole set,i think).

I had about 30 minutes of my own after we both had to run for our plane sand i put them to very good use.first i realized that when you are in an airport train car with no one else in it,you can get away with doing whatever you whit:


I also realize, while sitting on this plane awaiting take off, that the reflection of my iPad screen in the grime  from the windows (and, i suspect a polarizing filter) made a pretty decent reflective polarascope. Polarascopes are used to show stress in things like plastic or glass…. Light passes between two polarizing filters and the material under stress, the stressed arias rotate the phases of the light proportional tot he stress, and that is rendered in a visible color.. Check out what i saw when i looked at the reflection. Of my iPad in the planes window.

Here its just showing stress in me waiting to get off the ground and get back to sweet Vermont .

Hey.. I think i see a face in there width=500

It just shows that its good to be able to entertain one’s self while


Night all,night sam



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