All posts by johncohn

Sunday night – westward

Today we woke earlyish and packed our stuff.
We’ve loved Moab.. and whispering oakes we’re we’ve been staing on te La Sal loop.. bit time to move on. 

today we ae leaving Moab an heading west to Duck Creek Village in South western Utah.

First stop on the way out was UMTRA the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action
Turns out that Moab was the center of the uranium boom (pun intended)  that follwed the manhatton project. A geologist name Caharlie steen dicovered the largest hig grade uranium mine in the us.. He nae 100’s of millions of dollars from the min in the early 50s to the early 60s.. then the bottom fell out on the market.. the mine changed hands several times then went out of business , leaving a huge pile of toxic an radioactive waste just a a few hundered meters from teh colorado river. The UMTrA project is digging up all that mining waste and takign ut by train to a safe(r) disposal site a few miles north .. Its a wird legacy that moab doesnt  talka about much,.. but we just had to see it !

the rest of the day we spent crossing the beautiful state of Utah.. the road went through so many types of geology.. it blew our minds !>> 

right on the edge of a small airport.. the backyard of the house actually boradersthe runway !

this is goign to be a nice place to stay !

more tomorrow !

nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Fisher Tower

Another fantastic day near Moab.  While were getting ready to leave today for a hike, this guy was busy checking out the steps to our cabin.. it loooked like he was eating the salt that had been sprinkled there.. He satye there for a good half hour.. so we were sort of like captives, becsue we didnt  want to disturb him

we headed down the mountian towards town.. even though its about 15 miles on a nearly empty road with spooky dropoffs and hairpin turns.. its now our nearly 15 mile nearly empty oad with spooky dropoffs and hairpin turn .. so its an easy, fun and scenic drive 

Our goal for today was to hike Fisher towers.. It had been suggested by our good friend Nate.. and it was probably the most amazing hike I’ve ever been on. The weather was perfect (mid 50’s).. . the scenery was unbelievable.. a the company was good too 🙂


the hike was about 2.5 miles each way.. and the payoff was an incredible view from the top 


we had lunch at the top.. which always tastes the best !

then a quick walk down.. 


we made the 5 mile hike in just about 3 miles.. the guide said it should have taken 4.

We then drove along the beautiful  Colorado River on the catle hill road.. gorgeous !  We stopped In Moab to walk a few wonton blocks… touristy but Nice !

We found som lingering signs of the places importance to the early days of nuclear materials.. There’s a huge cleanup operation goign on now to clean up and safely store a bazillion gallons of old uranium mining waste .. Eeeeeek !

then a drive back up 35 minutes to our cabin.. The long rive seems short with the amazing scenery 

e got back in time for the sunset

wonderful day..   and more tomorrow
so happy to be here with my girl !

nite all, nite sam


Friday night – Arches

  Fantastic day in eastern Utah. 
Woke up super early due to jet lag.. diane was already awake planning our day

It had snowed quite a bit last night.. so we took a hike aroundd the place we’re staying.. about 8 cabins in the middle of no where.. nearest neighbors are a few miles away.. super beautiful !

We’re at 7500 feet.. and our popcorn bag shows it !

We got out of the house about 11… the road back tot eh highway is 15 miles.. an we only saw one other car.. but lots of cows !  and a very interesting outhouse with a view !

we stopped in Moab for coffee then headed to Arches national park.. so amazingly beautiful !.   We hiked delicate arches trail.. lots of people.. but worth it

We then headed to devils garden.. .. also beautiful.. far fewer people 

the ride home was gorgeous.. sun was setting up on the mountain as we drove home.. indescribable !

We got home around 5:30 .. made a yummy dinner and now are about to hit the hot tub..
such a great day

nite all, nite sam



Thursday night – catching up

Ok… I  know I’ve fallen way behin in my blogging… I was thiking I might be done with it .. but i’ve started to miss it very much. Not a day goes buy when I don trefer back to my blog to remember a person. plae.. an even or a feeling.. So I’m goign to restart.. and over time I’m going to try to fill in the gaps that I missed since september.. 

So.. to bring you to now.. Diane and I are in a really cure funky cabin about 35 minites south east of Moab utah. We’re out here for a week of hiking .. then were. goign to visit gabe in portland.. then max an becky in Santa fe. I’ll be working some too.. This is an experiment.. Novembers ae pretty hard for us.. its the month Sam died.. Thanksgiving in particular is a hard time.. it’s gettign dark.. the leaves are down.. and its dreary.. It’s stick season (its just like Noah Kahan’s song Stick Season) ..  On top of that.. the world is having a hard time.  .. lots of strife an anger.. 

an then there were  the elections… 
its a perfect time to unplug. 

THis year we’re goign to change it up..   Lets see how it works. 

Anyway.. back to today. We woke up at 3L30 to get to the airport by 4L30.. Parked the car.. then took 3 differnt planes to get to Grand Junction Colorado.> From there we rentted a car and drove three hours here. . The cabin we’re renting is about 15 miles down a steep windy mountain roa.. with nothin on it but us. THe house is cure adn idolaated.. it has a hot tub .. and more stars that I’ve seen in a long while.. 

a perfect place to start our adventure !

more from the road tomorrow !

nite all. nite sam

Moab is cute and touristy. we finaly saw the arches that made this place so famous !