Diane and I had a great day today. We left our hotel in Parsipanny (sounds like a root vegetable) at about 8 for the drive to New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark. I was the keynote speaker for summer technology camp for high school kids.Newark is about as different from Vermont as two places could be.. The air was hot, humid and hazy as people edged their cars along the packed freeways.. I’m not a great city driver. I’m pretty distractible (no.. really ? )and there was so much to look at as I drove.I was so happy to be driving the Prius.. it’s GPS got us right to the door of NJIT . My friend Maureen met us and guided us in to our unloading spot. A bevy of camp counselors descended on our car and lugged the equipment up to the third floor where my show was to be while Diane went and parked the car. It was great having her here with me..I think there were about 80 kids in this camp.. half from new jersey, half from out of state.. Some for inner cities. They were all interested in engineering and science. .The show went great… I always choke up a little when I do the introduction and dedicate the show to Sam.. but once I’m into the shtick.. I’m ‘on’. All of the equipment worked today.. which is a bit of a miracle in itself.. the kids were great participants and the faculty and staff at NJIT were warm and welcoming as always. This place has such a great heart…
After the show… the samy clutch of camp counselors lugged the equipment down stairs for me.. which isthe only part of doing these shows that I usuallydon’t enjoy.It was about 12:30 when Diane and I got the car loaded .. We had about 6 hours to kill until our flight to Austin. For no particular reason we headed down to the JerseyShore..It seemed like a better idea than heading into NYC on such a hot and muggy day. The temp outside read 97 degrees as we headed down the Garden State Parkway.
We turned off at Point PleasantBeach because one of the students had told us it was one of the closest beaches. .. looking for the quintessential JerseyShore experience.. and we found it.Jenkinson’s Beach at Point Pleasant was about as Honky Tonk as you could get.. a boardwalk, expensive rides, rigged (I assume) games of chance.. cool beach food .. and lots of sunburned people. We lookedfor a place to change our clothes.. For some weird reason changing in the restrooms was a punishable offense.. The only place you could change was a ‘bathhouse’ that wanted $4 apiece for the opportunity to change your clothes in a tiny stall.. no thanks.. We went back to the car and di the classic change in the car routine, then headed back to the beach.We paid $6.50 apiece to be able to go down on the beach and we sat down in a sea of people.. . I know it sounds yucky.. but for some reason, it was just what we were looking for. The breeze kept the heat down.. the sun was bright… and we just spaced out. We’d ate the few veggie sandwiches we’d found ata health food store and fell asleep. I woke up before Diane and just stared up at the sky for awhile and spaced out. ..The kids would love this place.. I missed them all…When Dianewoke up, we went down to the water and put a SamStone in the Atlantic for him.. It felt good to do that..
Here we are in the parking lot
Check this out !
We’re going vegan in solidarity with Max.. It’s harder than I thouhgt.. and I’m already a vegetarian !
This is me spacing out and starign into the sky
Who does his shopping ?
By then it was time to head back up to JFK.. We spent a few hours driving back up to NYC.. I had work calls for the whole drive. New Jersey freeways are … err…. uh… picturesque ?!
We also talked to Max and Gabe. Max is home in Vermont and sounded hot.. We heard it hit 100 in Burlington today !!! Gabe sounded like he washaving a great time Snowboarding in Oregon. Snow sounds great on a day like today.
Right now, Diane and I are sitting in the airport waiting for our flight..
we’re already an hour late.. which is no fun.. At this point, we’ll probably miss the rental car pick up in Austin. We’ll manage. I’m looking forward to seeing many work friends in Austin..
Hey they’re boarding our flight !..Gotta go.. More tomorrow !
Greetings from Parsippany New Joysee. Diane and I just got here after a pretty easy 6 hour drive in from Vermont. I’m down here to do a science show at the New Jersey Institute of Technology tomorrow morning before flying to Austin for work .I’ve been doing shows/talksat NJIT for several years now.. My good friend Kevin went to school here.. and he turned me on to the place.NJIT offers agreat science summer camp. In past years it’s beena great and really diverse group of kids. I’m looking forward to the show. I’ll dedicate it to Sam…
I do this drive down to NY all the time by myself..It’s so much fun having Diane here with me this time.. She’s a great travel companion.. interesting, fun and compact !..Compact is a big deal because I have every piece of my science equipment crammed into our Prius. There’s not room for another toothpick in the car.. but it’s so much better on gas !
Diane’s able to travel with me this week because Gabe left at 6AM this morning for High Cascade in Oregon. He was so excited to be going.. he’s been planning it for over a year. It will be extra meaningful for him this year. Sam went there last year and loved it.The boys were looking forward to going there together this year. Gabe is taking all sorts of Sam stuff out with him. He’s also taking a box to Tyler E., the kid who was paralyzed after a bad snowboarding accident. The box containsa bunch ofSamStones, a Sam shirt and a letter from the Friends ofSam with the donation they’re making to Tyler and his family. The High Cascade folks are taking the box down to Tyler next month,
I have to admit that it was hard for me putting Gabe on the plane with Sumner.. but Diane and I are determined for the kids to live fully and bravely. I know that Gabe will be in good hand and will be well supervised. He got to Oregon without a hitch… so far he loves the camp.. I’ll post any stories he sends me.He just called as I was writing. I love hearing from him.
Meanwhile, Chai is home taking care of Max ! Max is dong a 4 going vegan for the next few weeks.. He’s been doing some amazing cooking over the past several days. Diane and I are trying to do the vegan thing too… I’m surprised how hard it is to do.. and I’ve been a pseudo-vegetarian for over 30 years (I eat fish.. but no other meat stuff). I’ll let you know how it goes.
Speaking of stories.. I ran into our friend Charlotte-san at Richmond Beverage. She told me that she just had a dream about Sam.. In here dream, Sam was dressed in a big bunny suit and handed her a bunch of used-but-clean Tupperware.Anyone what to interpret that ?
OK.. gotta run.. Tomorrow, NJ and then Austin. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Short post tonight. A slow day today.Diane and Max left early to help out with the Voice’s Movie fundraising banquette at Shelburne Farms. Max dropped me at Toyota in South Burlington so I could pick up my car.I got back home around 11AM. Gabe was lying low as he still had a slight fever. He needs to gather his strength.. He’s leaving for High Cascade snowboarding camp in Oregon tomorrow at 6AM.He’s really, reallyexcited.. He’s heading out there with his friend Sumner and Jeremy to do a little mid summer snowboarding. Sam went there last year and absolutely loved it.
Scott and Mary were around this morning. They let us know that they’ll be moving back to Scott’s house .. I think they need a bit more privacy than this house can give right now. The kids from the Voices movie will start showing up next weekend.. and it will get pretty zooey around here.I’ll really miss having both Scott and Mary around. They are both wonderful people. They’ll only be 8 minutes down the road, so I’m sure we’ll still see them around.
I had no real plans for the day so I started to see if I could salvage our downstairs computer. It’s got some sort of progressive hardware problem that prevents it from booting up.. or staying up most of the time. I checked online and found that it’s a common symptom of this model of eMachine. Evidently many. many people are now having this same problem n this now out of warranty model. Based on what I read today.. I’d really avoid that brand altogether. I was able to get it to boot and stay working up long enough to recover our critical data.. I had to keep a fan on it to keep it from overheating.
Sam’s passing has made some of the data on all of our computers unbelievably precious. There’s music movies and pictures that we just can’t afford to lose now.. I’ve got them all backed up 3 ways. Like anything else in this house.. going through these files for salvage can cause great emotional ups and downs for me.. Sometimes seeing a picture or movie of Sam’s can make me so sad.. other times it makes me so happy.The whole process put me in a pretty soulful place…
As the data was copying I started to thumb through the ‘memories book’ from my 30th high school reunion. My buddy Marie sent me a copy of hers. The reunion was in Houston on June 9th in Houston.I didn’twant to gobecause it was Gabe’s birthday. The memory book was really fascinating.. I had trouble putting it down after I started reading. It was really weird seeing what people had done.. or not done.. with their lives. How had kids, how didn’t… who married who.. who divorced who.. what they’d done.. where they’d traveled.. what dreams they’d followed or given up.My name was in there.. but no picture and no story. They hadn’t contacted me at all for the reunion. I was pretty surprised. I’ve been in the same house for 25 years.. and I’m pretty easy to find on the internet.. What would I have said to my 634 friends of the 1977 graduating class of MemorialHigh School ? .. I’ve been writing the paragraph I would have submitted in my head…had they found me to ask.I think I would have told them how wonderful my life was.. how much I loved my life up here.. how much I loved my family and I would tell them about Sam’s passing.. I think I would even have said that despite. Our deep tragedy.. I still loved my life.. maybe I love it even more now.. since things are so precious to me now..I want to reach out to all the folks who wrote their stories in the book to hug their kids.. to …..what.. pray for us ? Think about us / .. hug hteir kids ? .. at least that for sure…
I was starting to spin on that when Diane called to tell me that our friend Arthur …was desperately in need of extra kitchen help. Arthur, who’s a professional cook..and his family had very graciously offered to volunteer their cooking and serving to the Voices movie fundraiser He was cooking for 175 folksand it required more than his two capable hands. Diane and I showed up to do whatever we could. It was a great experience. I ended up dipping several hundred chocolate cookies in chocolate, dusting a bunch of almond meringues with sugar , making Crème Fraise from scratch, and helping make some really cool Portobelloquiches. In addition I washed a veritable mountain of dishes.It was fun to help
I had planned on going to the fundraiser myself.. but when I got home, I could tell that Gabe was bored. He did not want to go all the way to Shelburne Farms to watch the voices folks serve people dinner.. Even if max is a cast member.Sensing his mood, I changed the plan.. I invited Gabe tojust hang out with me … first we went to Cody’s for dinner.. (yum) .. Here we are just goofing around…
then we went to the Essex Cinema to see , Fantastic 4, Rise of the Silver Surfer. It’s a pretty good movie.. though I can’t tell if the story is true or not J .. Seriously.. I loved Silver Surfer comics when I was a kid.. they were so cool and bizarre..
We got home around 9 just a few minutes before Diane and Max. Diane and Gabe quickly finished up packing Gabe for his trip. IN addition to all of his snowboarding gear.. Gabe is taking a box of stuff from the Friends of Sam whichHigh Cascade will give to the kid Tyler.. who broke his neck a few months back and is now paralyzed . In the box is a letterform the group, a bunch of SamStones and a letter with a check for the$2500 the kids raised for Tyler‘s care. I’m glad that Gabe can take this with him. He’s also taking a small amount of Sam’s ashes to spread on the mountain out there.. Sam would really like that.. It was an interesting emotional challenge for me to get the small vial of ashes for Gabe to take.. I though it would be harder.. but that just isn’t Sam.. it’s just…. stuff…
Anyway.. we need to wake up at 4 to take Gabe to the airport.. so I’m going to sign off now.. How everyone had a good weekend. Love to all..
Ps. our friend Erin B/ has just posted two songs she perfromed and recorded in her living room. You just gotta check these out. on Erin’s myspace music page. The first is Billy Holiday’s : G-d bless the child.. You have really got to hear this record ing. The second one is Regina Specktor’s ‘On the Radio’.. it’s got that line.. “... so you stick your heart into soemone else chest, pumping someone elses blood’… “ She is simply amazing !
Folks. I’m in the Moscow Airport just about to board a plane back to the US. I found some free woreless so I wanted to get a quick post in. For now, I’ll just post the pictures and add the text when I land.. sort of the reverse of what I’ve been fdoing all week. It’ll be really nice to be home ! Can’t wait to see my family.
I’m now on the flight from JFK back to Burlington . I’ve got a few minutes to add the text to the pictures I posted… Let me see if I can remember what I was going to write about….
Oh yeah… Yesterday our Academy TCmeeting ended at 1 PM. It was a the end of a great three day session. We got lots done and got to interact with some very cool people from the IBM STG Russia Lab. The rest of the afternoon was free for us to do some email catch up then do a little exploring around town. We grabbed the buss back to the hotel then headed out on foot to explore. Our first goal was check out the Kremlin museums. One of the guidebooks had said that it was open everyday.. but it turned out to be closed on Thursday.. bummer.Undeterred Lori and Charlie and headed off to check out Arbat Street.. The “Haight-Ashbury” of Moscow. In the 60’s and 70’s Arbat was a big counter culture hang out… Musicians like Balat Okudcheva (I’m sure I’m butchering his name) hung out here writing cool folk songs and playing guitar. Today Arbat is full of tacky tschotsky shops, bars, street artists ,toy vendors musicians and tattoo shops. I loved it ! the thing I loved most was the huge number of high school age kids hanging out and singing on the street. Their energy was really pretty amazing.Twothings I noticed about Arbat.. and about Moscow in general. First, few people over 20 are smiling…I counted 1 smiling person out of 30 that passed my in one minute… It’s not that they’re mad or sad.. it’s just that the general affect is pretty flat… Once you start talking to them they brighten up. The second thing that’s hard not to notice is that Moscow women really love to dress up.. Everywhere we went the women were dressed like they were headed to a fancy party. For example, of the same 30 people I counted for my smile experiment, 5 of the women had on spike heels even on the rough cobblestones. The funny thing is that the guys don’t seem to care what they wear.. I fit right in.Around 5, we stopped for a quick beer then headed back to meet the others at the hotel for dinner.
Lori had found a place in the guide book called the Sword and the Shield. It was right across from the old KGB building and had once been a hang out for the agents there. Now it was full of retro cold-war stuff, lots of pictures of Party aparatchick’s, statues, propaganda posters. And even old Soviet movies on the TV.It was certainly done up for tourists, but we were the only ones in the place. It was a little creepy..but the food turned out to be pretty good !
The gang at the Sword and Shield
Non-stop soviet war movies !
Even a cammofluge bathroom
Some of the many poltical portraits in the resturant
We met thois street musician on the way home. I bought a CD off of him. Good folksy sound
This add is all over the city.. not sure what it is
Notice the time and the color of the sky
By the time we finished dinner it was close to 11PM and the sky was still twilight.. That was so cool It was the longest day of the year after all. We made it back to the hotel around 11:30 after finding all the bars either full or closed.. We had onemore shot of Vodka to close out the trip.. Russians seem to drink a shot with every meal !
At about 10 of 12 I went out by myself to red square to finish off my solstice with sam. I was surprised to find the square full of people.. Nothing special was going on.. just folks walking around. I talked with Sam for a while,took a few pictures and headed back home.
Again.. notice the color of the sky.. thsi is just before midnight.
Sam and I in Red Square
Sam – courtesy of a Samsung sign and a building to block some of it for my camera
When I got back to my room I made the ‘mistake’ of checking my email again which led to me doing another 2 hours of work before sleeping.
I woke this morning, packedand checked out of the hotel . My friend Steve and I shared a cab to the airport since we were on the same flight back to the US. We passed this church on the way there.
It was good catching up with Steve. His wife Helen died last October. Every time we talk, we compare notes on our path towards healing. This trip we did a bunch of talking about how foggy our brains have become. As always, it’s good to talk to someone who has some idea of what I’m going through. .. even if our situations are very, very different.
The flight back was really a breeze. After the Asia and Australia trips I’ve made over the last year or so, the 9.5 hour trip over the Atlantic seemed like a piece of cake. I was sitting next to the coolest guy, Mohamed.
He is an aerospace engineer working with companies like Boeing to help them meet international safety guidelines. Mohamed is a Palestinian who went to grad school in Germany and now lives in Seattle. We talked for a good part of the trip about the middle east, religions, politicians, kids, families, Sam, travel. By the time we landed, we had worked out most of the world’s problems. He is a really good thinker. I hope we find a way to stay in touch. Another cool thing on the flight was tta there was a group of about 15 young kids from an orphanage in Moscow. They were going to NYC to do a band contest. The kids were wicked bored and the flight attendants were trying to find things to do with them.. I went back and taught them my favorite paper airplane design: the flying ring.We were tossing them all over the plane. It was good fun..
Self-portrait in plane bathroom
Here we are passing near vilnus, the place where almost all of my great granpartents came from
We got to JFK exactly on time, then I had a 4 hour layover waiting for the trip to Burlington. That too was a snap.. It was so beitiful flying in here
I was finally standing on terra firma in beautiful Vermont . Tim came and picked me up and took me up to his house where Diane and company were just finishing up a huge batch of SamStones.It was sooooooooo nice to see my family again.. I had missed them so much..
Right now, I’m missing the sandman… I can hardly keep my eyes open. I need to get some sleep.There’s no place like home , There’s no place like home, There’s no place like home