Very full day.. Diane and Max left early to go catch Jessie’s graduation, which I heard was very moving. A bit later, I went and retrieved Gabe from Dylan’s house. Gabe had two Lacrosse games scheduled all the way down in Middlebury. We left how around

The ride down to Middlebury was long… Gabe and I talked about everything from snowboarding to nuclear weapons. I lie that car time for catching up. The games themselves were long and hot. Gabe was playing well which is always fun to see. I had brought a book to read (Slow Man by J. M. Coetzee .. (my same initials !)).. but put it down.. it starts with a guy getting hit by a car.. and I had trouble getting past that. I busied myself during the times that Gabe was not playing by sleeping and fiddling with my camera both worthy pastimes.

After the second game we headed back to

Homer’s now thinking of letting people explore a human figure in this way.. Homer has a very interesting mind.
While we were there, Homer worked with Gabe and me on a birthday present for Max. I have lots of pictures of us making it.. but I’ll save those or tomorrow as not to give it away to max in case he reads this tonight… Once done, Gabe got in the bat mobile and zoomed home. We got there just as Max and Jessie were heading out for the all night Project Grad. I grabbed one last picture of Max as an 18 year old.. He’ll be 19 tomorrow morning.
We washed up and headed up to David’s beautiful log home up on
It was a really , really nice evening. There was a small group of interesting folks from different facets of David’s life, excellent food and beautiful weather. It was magical. Towards the end of the evening we noticed a HUGE moth flittering on the screened window. I tried to get some pictures to give a sense of the scale. Suffice it to say that when it grabbed on to my toe, I was afraid it was going to carry me off J .
Well tomorrow is going to be a full day.. Max’s 19t birthday, two more lacrosse games, a voices project script read through and… Father’s day. I’m not sure why thinking about Father’s day is not bothering me as much as I expected.. maybe because everyday is fathers day of a sorts for me. Even so, let me take this opportunity to wish my Father Hugh, my father in law Gabe, My Brother Billy my brother in law John and all Father’s everywhere the very best father’s day. I’m proud to be a dad… it’s always been my best job…. It always will be. .. G’nite my sons and my dad’s
ps. Max just called at midnight to spend his turning 19 with us ! I love that kid so much !
pss. A firefly just came in our room and is zooming around. It’s a spark from Sam 🙂