Ever since Sam died I’ve been more aware of connections.. connections in events, in associations and in people. Today was absolutely full of connections. It started in a normal groove. I had to work at home this morning because we have a car in the shop. Diane took Max to work in Shelburne while I got Gabe to school. Oooops, we both forgot his geography project so I had to turn right back around and deliver it to school. Here’s Gabe’s teacher Ralph from planet Tryfamedor) holding the project.
Luckily the school, like everyone else is giving us lot of slack
I got home and immediately started working with my friends in
My only face to face meeting I had afternoon was with two profs and the dean at
After work today I headed to Advanced Music to meet Meghan G and her dad. Meghan is the winner of the first annual Sam Cohn Musical Soul award. She’d picked out a killer Schecter electric guitar for herself with a beautiful swirl finish and liberty star inlay. (Sam played a Schecter, too)
The folks at Advanced gave us a generous deal on the guitar and case.. which we really appreciated. I could tell that Meghan was the perfect recipient of this first guitar.. she was wearing not 1 but 2 guitar picks around her neck.

She was the only student who was nominated by multiple people in the contest. And getting to know her.. I understand why. She’s totally committed to playing and songwriting.. One other amazing thing is that Meghan and I were talking about her wish to get a tattoo just like the liberty star on the inlay, Just as we were talking, my friend and neighbor Kyle who works at advanced came over to talk to us.. here’s the tat he has on his leg.. (queue the twilight zone music)..
The whole experience with Meghan and her dad was wonderful.. and sad in a way you can probably imagine.. I cried some.. but mostly I was very, very happy…
At that ppint is was after 6 so I decided to walk around downtown Burlington and so some birthday shopping for Gabe and Max’s birthdays. I kept running in to folks I knew.. and kept getting hugs from folks.. It was nice and surprising considering I live nearly 20 miles away .. First I ran into my friend Bruce A. who I hadn’t seen in several years. Bruce and I used to share an office about 20 years ago.. he didn’t know about Sam.. so we had that conversation.. which branched into other parts of life. Bruce is getting married this weekend.. which is very cool. It was great to reconnect.
A bit later I ran into my friend Susan.. Susan might well have been
After a little shopping, I was starving.. so I headed to Moe’s burritos. In
Bister and Owen are both straightedge.. meaning no drugs or alcohol.. and they got themselves inked to prove it..
They are also opening up a vegan restaurant in
From there I headed to Williston t o meet Diane, Gabe and three of his friends for a movie. The movie didn’t start until
And here’s a ‘lady’s night out group with Erica and my friends Julie and Lamiaa. Very comfortable there..
Diane and the kids shoewd up around
then we headed into 3 hours of Johnny Depp and the rest of the pirates.
I really liked the movie.. which meant I only slept for 15 min.. That guy with the squid face makes me want to dred my beard…
2AM and I have a full day tomorrow. I’d better go.. G’nite mateys
ps/ I forgot to mention another important connection from today. David P., one of the Chaplain’s from All Childerens Hospital in FL called today to check on us. All Childeren;s is where they took our Sam after his accident. Wetalked for about 20 minutes about how we were ding, our healing path and life in general. I offered to to let them give my name to anyone who finds htem selves in the terrible situation we found ourselves.. and who needs to talk. I think doing this is now part of my Dharma. It meant so much to me that he reached out to us after nearly 7 months. I will never forget how kindly that David and the rest of the staff at All Childeren’s treated us. Tahnk you