All posts by johncohn

Sunday night – Portland Chores

It’s so nice being here in Portland with Gabe.  Portland is such a.n interesting climate. Its been on and off cold and rainy with occasional sun. Despite the cold they stoll have flowers and vegetables growing. I found this tomato in Gabes garden particularly friendly

One thing we love about coming here is the small jobs we get to do to help him maintain his house.   We learn from these.. and build skills we can apply touour house. Today we did a mod to his fridge to clear the blockage that is causing ice build ups when the freezer goes into auto defrost. Its a bit like the problem we have on our fridge at home.. but it looks like Gabes is hopefully easier to fix. We took the freezer apart , foudn the defrost heater and crimped a length of thick coper wire aroudn it, with the other end of the wire going through the drainage hole. The internet says that will work.. we’ll see. 

Next job was to clean out the dryer vent.. . glad we did..w e know two freinds who’ve had house fires because of not cleaning their vents.  We used a very cool flexible brush you fit into a drill that gabe had.. Pretty fun. I felt like the chimney sweeps in mary poppins

Who knew xchores could be so fun ? 

nite all, nite sam

Saturday night – Basque cheese cake

Peacxeful day.. Diane did a ton of cooking.. Her magical Mole Chile (secret ingerdient is penut bitter).. And the basque cheese cake she’s been fperfecting since our trip to San Sebastian. 

Around 6 a few Freinds of Gabe and his housemate and old friend Henry came over for yoga and dinner..  We had diane, , gabe. me, henry, Henry’s friend Maeve, , Gabes friends Eric, Brook and later on Shawn..    Dianes chesscake was a masterpiece. Its not like american cheesckae at all.. it has no crust, though it has a dark carmelized outer layer. and its not as sweet as american cheescake.. Its more like a custard.. so delicious !

Very nice and chill evening.. 

niote all, nite sam


Friday night – Portland

We spent the day hanging out at Gabe’s .. Super nice being here.. I got soem work done.. thne Mostly we played with  Nova while Gabe works on his dissertation.. We all got out for a dog walk in the middle of the day. 
Got to hear Gabe work on his mandolin playing.. he is sounding so great !

later on we went to Sivali Thai, one of our favorite thai places in walking distance ( there are at least 10 thai places in walkign distance which is part of qwhy we love portland !). .. 
On the way back we stopped at Movie Madness.. THe self proclaimed largest surviving collection of rentable DVD’s . its also an amazing museum of movie memorabilia .. .. 

one funny thing is that they have a copy of the Colony Season 1 and 2 .. I left one of my mad sceintist biusiness cards with a short note in the Season 1 case. I hope soemone finds it !,.. who knows if anyone ever will

So nice being here with Gabe and Nova

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – altitude

Today we  lft utah and headed to Las Vegas on out way to Portland .   We woke early, finished packing the house, took one last soak in the hot tub.. then headed west . 

We’ve really loved being here. 

THe drive down from Duck Creek Village UT to Las Vegas was about 3.5 hours.. It took us through soem amazing countryside.. The peak of the road was near the beginning at a feet under 10,000 feet above see level..and drove down to about 2000 feet in Las Vega.. That involved driving from two very different geological regions  Colorado Plateau into the Great Basin 

Once we crossed the Hurricane Fault at  Ceder city, the scenery changed immediately from mountains to desert planes. 

We were listening to an audio book. : “The Revenge of the Tipping Point”. by Malcom Gladwell. Its him revisiting the messages in his 1999 best seller “The TIpping Point” 

Both books talk about how little things can make a big difference.  Gladwell  talks about how  public opinion can  shift suddenly based on the influence of a very few. He talks about some tough topics.: teen suicide, thow the covid pandemic spread , how we talk about the Holocost,  and public views on gay marrieage.. Heavy stuff.. but he’s such a great storyteller.. We’re enjoying the book . Gladwell  a great storyteller.  Hs message on what makes public opinion is really interestign in these mixed=up times. 

We got to Vegas about 11..  Being here always reminds me of this scene in the Big Lebowski…with Bunny Lebowskie singing ‘viva las vegas’ completely off tune

Arriving in Las Vegas is always a weird thing for me.. I’ve been here many, many times… always for some sort of work conference.   Usually when I’m arriving, I have some sort of talk or panel  to give.. which is a strange mix of excitement and terror. .. I remember some of my first small  talks here back in the 80;s .. and my biggest (an 18,000 person keynote) . they all had the same arc.. I arrive nervous and stressed up to the time  of my talk… then. gave the talk.. then I get to relax and have fun….  Its interesting to be able to reflect on all that needless stress and worry l put myself through 

I think this is the first time I’m here just for fun… .. even if its just for an afternoon. 

Our main goal was to visit MeowWolf Las Vegas..aka Omega Mart. It;s located in a huge complex called ‘Area 15’   which inclused MeoWolf , a bunch of very cool retail, interestign food and some other tech art venues.  Outside is a bunch of awesoem tech art. .. very much like tech art ones see’s at Burning Man.. Check this out

we went inside for our 11:20 tickets.. The Area 15 interior is very cool.. imagine a shopping center only lit by black lights !

Then we went inside.. We had a list of thigns we specifically wanted to see that Max and Becky had worked on. It was really fun having a shoppign list like that.. 

Here are a zillion piuctures from our 2 hour visit

first was the market itself.. a bunch of m,utant produc5ts, soem real and soem not.

Then .. in to the main room.. .. 3 .. maybe 4 ? .. stories.. stairs goign every where.. interestign sound scape

we found the soul sucker, happy greebles, and see see Tee Vee that max helped create

Becky had a hand in almost everything.. The “Boop’  experience is whjat Becky’s most  known for.. Like the other meow wolf venues, Omega mart has a back story.. At omega Mart   is a mutant grocery store run by the mysterious Dram family (a nod to aldous huxley, it think).

You can  purchase an employee badge that you ‘boop’ at stations around the exhibit.. that opens up new experiences of training, background etc. and pulls you intot he omega mart story ..   Super fun.. its oen of the reasons people keep coming back to dig even deeper into the story. We read one reveiw where a person had spent 6 hours in Omega mart booping his way around to figure out some of the weird mystery of the story !  Becky was the head booper !

We also found an easter egg to Becky on the factory control panel .. (Becky’s last name ie Neil 🙂 


there were so many cool things to see .. Here are tqwo pieces that Becky pointed us at.. we likeked thmw both !  This one is pixelmapped a bit like fluffy

this one is made of 10 layers of sidelit plexi

here ae a few other fav’s 

Then it was time to go.. what an amaizng place !!!!.. 

we grabbed a quick bite in Area 15  (masle your own poke bowl) .. then headed tot he airport..   we got there at 2 for a 6PM flight due tot eh rental csr check in time.. .. so had as long time to hng out in both LAS and SFO between short flgihts. 

Gabe picked us up just around midninight.. e drove is to our airbnb.. we got  in, unpavked then wuicly fell asleep

gld to be here with gabe and novs !   more tomorrow ..

nite all. nite sam
