All posts by johncohn

Tuesday night – heads down

Pretty quiet day. Things are super busy at work.. Major deadlien next week. It’s really fun to see the energy aroudn getting all this stuff done. 

You’ll read about it in the papers I think !

The only picture I have from today is this.. 

nite all,, nite sam

Kinda symbolic ?

dont forget to vote !!!

nite all,. nite sam

Monday night – stick season

Its full on stick season now..  outdoor colors have settled on a mch more narrow pallett.. though soem residual signs of color exist

It kinda interesting that now that Noah Kahans ‘stick season’ is such a hit..people know what the term means.. 

If you dont knwo the song.. here it is 

Hey.. I jut noticed that the Round CHurch in Richmond is in that video !.. Thats where DFiane and I got married !

Happy stick season everyone 😉

nite sam, 

Sunday night – windows

Wow.. no pictures from today !.. thats rare

We hung low today.. we did get the interior storm windows up. whcih is a huge help to keepign the place warm.. other than that we did a little planning for our upcoming trip.. and worked on projewcts.. 

Nice to have a slow day 
nite all, nite sam